Monday, December 10, 2007

Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council

As a firm believer that the higher education market is going to have to outsource much of its "technology" management--I think the work of the Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council is very important.

You can find more details about their work at:

This organization manages the creation and facilitates the adoption of new "data exchange standards" for the higher education environment. These standards will become more important as the world around us continues to move to a "services" oriented model.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Exchanging Data

I'm fairly certain that there will be many types of databases used to store digital information. In other words, the idea that everyone would use the same database technology to store all of their information is not ever likely to happen, nor would it necessarily be a good thing. For the idealist though--like myself on occasion, I'm enthralled by the potential of all digital information being stored in a SQL compliant relational databases.

Okay--so enough of that idea. The truth is that data exchange between these databases is a fairly important topic. If there can't be one giant database for everything we need rules or standards to help make data transitions/transactions easier.

I've been aware of and reading material from Dave Winer for a long time now--maybe 13 years. At some level he's on my "folk" hero list because I respect him as a master of "organizing the digital world". He was really a pioneer in the area of software based "outline" programs (Thinktank, Ready and More) and while I haven't used his object database for long while, I have been deeply impressed by its capabilities.

At the moment there seem to be two competing technologies in the data exchange arena. Mr Winer and Microsoft have collaborated on XML-RPC--which if I understand correctly is now recognized as SOAP. Now a technology called JSON enters the scene--and as it happens--not without controversy.

mikechampion's weblog : The JSON vs XML debate begins in earnest Annotated

Finally, in the larger scheme of things it doesn't matter. What does matter is that there be standardized, widely supported means for making data interoperable across applications, platforms, programming languages, and time. Life would be easier for us infrastructure implementers if there were a single, stable standard, but it's unrealistic to expect that XML 1.0 would be the last word on the subject. We will cope with whatever happens -- small tweaks to address critical bugs that JSON illuminates, multiple de facto data interoperability standards, guided evolution of XML to be a better universal data interchange format, or wholesale revolution to produce a better world.

Simon Willison

The sweet spot for JSON is serializing simple data structures for transfer between programming languages. If you need more complex data structures (maybe with some kind of schema for validation), use XML. If you want to do full blown RPC use SOAP or XML-RPC. If you just want a light-weight format for moving data around, JSON fits the bill admirably.

What do we lose from not using XML? The ability to use XML tools. If you’re someone who breathes XSLT that might be a problem; if like me your approach when faced with XML is to parse it in to a more agreeable data structure as soon as possible you’ll find JSON far more productive.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

A Mental Model for the Physical World

While I prefer to keep my "organizing" to the digital world, I was intrigued by this video. Discover Magazine sponsored a "string theory in 2 minutes or less" user generated video contest and this was the winning entry.

String theory could provide us with a new mental model of how the physical world fits together. By the way the "viewer's choice" was also very good.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Book Reviews and Microformats

As a chronic organizer of all things digital I have been intrigued with “microformats”. In a conversation with my youngest son—he was curious about applying star ratings to book reviews. It turns out that his teachers are using “wikispaces” to aid in the teaching process (way to go teachers!) and they want to be able to apply a star based rating system to their book reviews.

In my quest to answer his question I did run across some good resources:

hreview creator—this tool creates hreview code for you. The site provides a form to input the appropriate values and provides the code for copying and pasting into your web page.

Wetpaint and Socialtext are also good tools for creating “wikis” (alternative options for wikispaces).

Amazon now offers a media library where users can add books (and other media types) to their account. The student would be able to apply a star rating, add comments and “tags”. The beauty of this service is that a student can very easily search and order new books—when the book is ordered, it automatically pops up in the media library (it isn’t automatically shared with the outside world though unless a setting is changed to allow for that to happen).

Google books has also has a tool called “my library” that allows a user/student to keep a list of books. As with the Amazon tool you can add a review, rating and tags to each entry. The service from Google Books has an RSS feed feature—Amazon might, but I didn’t see it. The RSS feature could allow the teacher to subscribe to each students book list via an RSS news reader like Google Reader. This would allow the teacher to see new and changed entries in a particular students book list (very cool).

Interestingly enough, a website called “LibraryThing” beat both Amazon and Google to the punch with their service. My favorite item about this site—you can use a cue cat scanner to improve the book input process. A Max OSX based application called “Bookpedia” is also cue cat scanner friendly (I’m a registered user of this one).

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

SCORM Compliance

I’m addicted to “standards”. I can’t help myself! I suppose part of this comes from my unstoppable desire to create order out of disorder. Course descriptions, course content, syllabi, assignments—they’re all just a wild mess of relatively non re-usable objects.

SCORM is a standard for online course delivery that tries to combat this with re-usable objects called “Sharable Content Objects” (SCOs). These SCOs are made up of one or more “assets”. An asset, by definition is an "electronic representation of media, text, images, sound, web pages, assessment objects or other pieces of data" (see clippings below).

SCORM Version 1.2 Overview for Developers Annotated

  1. Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) allows learning content from any vendor to play in any SCORM conformant Learning Management System (LMS).
  2. SCORM was created in cooperation between government, academia and industry and it consolidates the work of AICC, IMS, ARIADNE and IEEE’s LTSC into one unified reference model.
  3. Basically there are 2 parts SCORM Version 1.2: the Run-Time Environment and the Content Aggregation Model.
  4. The Run-Time Environment specifies how content should behave once it has been launched by the LMS.
  5. The Content Aggregation Model specifies how you should package your content so that it can be imported into an LMS. This involves creating XML files that an LMS can read and learn everything it needs to know about your content.
  6. All communication between the content and the LMS is handled by this adapter, thus the content author does not need to worry about communicating with the server, he only needs to be able to find the API Adapter and make the appropriate JavaScript calls.
  7. This separation of client and server is essential to SCORM in that it ensures the portability of content by forcing it to run on a standard platform (the web browser).
  8. There is no SCORM conformant method for content to communicate with the LMS through other methods such as web services, or HTTP requests.
  9. Content Aggregation model is divided into three parts, the Content Model, the Meta-data and Content Packaging.
  10. The Content Model describes the content being delivered.
  11. The Content Model defines a powerful model for breaking content into arbitrarily sized units of reuse. These units are called Sharable Content Objects (SCOs) and Assets.
  12. An Asset is simply an "electronic representation of media, text, images, sound, web pages, assessment objects or other pieces of data".
  13. A SCO is a collection of one or more assets that represents a logical unit of learning.
  14. The defion of a SCO is left up to the content author to define under the guidance that a SCO should represent the smallest unit of learning that the LMS should track.
  15. To achieve reuse, a SCO should not be context sensitive, it should not reference other SCOs, and it should not link to other SCOs.
  16. The Meta-data specification provides a mechanism to describe the content using a pre-defined and common vocabulary. This vocabulary is broken into nine categories:
  17. The Content Packaging specification defines how the Content Model and Meta-data are implemented.
  18. From a technical perspective, the two most important things to take away are that all communication between content and an LMS is handled via JavaScript and that all content should include an XML file called imsmanifest.xml which describes its structure and other characteristics to the LMS.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Organizing Visual Data

My LinkedIn connection, Jeff Stewart, from Trekk Cross Media alerted me to the information for this posting.

I can’t imagine a better example of “organizing data” than what is in this video. While we might naturally think of data as “text” based, this example shows what can happen when visual data is organized. This is a great example of the developing “semantic web”.

The Professor who uses visual information in the classroom (architects, visual arts, graphic design etc.) will want to keep an eye on this technology.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

“Super Crunchers”—A Book Review

This book is all about organizing data to create information to support the quest for gaining knowledge.

I absolutely enjoyed this book and give it high marks for any of the following categories of people:

·         Customers—very enlightening

·         Entrepreneurs—interesting opportunities

·         Problem solvers—a slew of data available

·         Concerned Citizens interested in the authoring and implementation of effective public policy

·         High school math student who wonders “How is this class going to help me?”

·         Ethicists—“with great power comes great responsibility” (Peter Parker’s Uncle Ben)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Geek Books and the Digital World

I have become a fan of books from O'reilly publishing. They are famous for the "Hacks" series and in fact, if I were teaching a statistics class I would strongly consider using Statistics Hacks.

But, that’s not actually what I wanted to talk about. As a tablet pc user I do a lot of reading on my HP Tabletand one of my favorite finds has been O’reilly’s “online books” website called safari. The shelf life of a good technology book isn’t always that long, but with this service I can read the whole book through, and if it’s good enough, I can order the paper based book at a 35% discount (what?? that’s amazing).

I pay 20 dollars a month to be able to have 10 books on my virtual bookshelf. Once a book is added to the bookshelf it has to remain there for 30 days. But, even though I can only have 10 books on my bookshelf (they have to be on my bookshelf, otherwise they can't be read), the search function can find subjects across the entire library of publishers (what?? that’s amazing). If the search turns up a book that's not on my bookshelf, I can add it--that is, if I have open slots on my bookshelf.

The downside if there is one—the bookmarking tool is a bit clunky. But, the good news, use Diigo and not only can you bookmark the page, but you can even store the paragraph clipping for future reference. Because the site is password protected you will need to login to Safari, before clicking your diigo bookmark link.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Recent Report from Educause on Students and Their Expectations for IT

Jobs, News and Views for All of Higher Education - Inside Higher Ed :: Students' 'Evolving' Use of Technology

This article provides a very interesting overview of some observations found in an annual survey sponsored by Educause (The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2007) about how the current college student's expectations of IT enhanced learning is "evolving".

A Concern:

While the "sage on the stage" style of teaching has not been the preferred model for a while now, it is going to be even less effective with the "digital natives" crowd.

A Prediction:

Google Docs and Wiki spaces are going to be increasingly important components of the "learning" toolbox. The price is right for one thing (free) and faculty will increasingly want to be independent of the "controls" placed on them by IT management at our higher ed institutions.

A Recommendation:

IT management teams should take a hard look at what they're doing to support the academic mission. The availability of specific services by outside vendors has changed dramatically. A few years ago it was important for IT teams to provide an email infrastructure to support the academic mission, but now with both Google and Microsoft providing email services it no longer seems prudent. Microsoft's Version Google's Version

Friday, September 14, 2007

Cooperation and Collaboration in Higher Education

Google Code - Updates: UW and Google: Teaching in Parallel Annotated

Big Business (Google) collaborates with Higher Education (University of Washington) to teach students about Grid Computing. And that's not all, UW invites other universities to get in on the action. This is a great story with awesome potential.
A list of items that I highlighted from the article--see link at the top of this entry for the article in its entirety (including the full annotated version).
Earlier this year, the University of Washington partnered with Google to develop and implement a course to teach large-scale distributed computing based on MapReduce and the Google File System (GFS).
The goal of developing the course was to expose students to the methods needed to address the problems associated with hundreds (or thousands) of computers processing huge datasets ranging into terabytes

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Mind Mapping Meets Wikipedia

As a strong advocate for any tool that aids the learning process, I have to give a PG rating (Pretty Great) to So, let's say for instance that we want to continue our learning on RSS news feeds.

  1. Visit the site
  2. Set the appropriate language, which if you're reading this you'll probably want to set it to
  3. Enter a topic like RSS
or go directly to the results by clicking below:

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Can Brittanica Do This?

New Tool Mines Wikipedia Truthfulness Annotated

I happen to really like wikipedia--especially as I'm trying to keep up with the latest "tech" jargon. In the world of academia, however, it has its detractors. And understandably so--mature and wise scholars sometimes can be tricked by the accuracy of an entry, so it is no wonder that young students may get tripped up. A software tool like the one in this article could really help Wikipedia be a more trusted tool in the classroom. As the article states it's not fool-proof, but the reality is that our students, I hope, will be applying critical thinking skills to anything they read.
A list of items that I highlighted from the article--see link at the top of this entry for the article in its entirety (including the full annotated version).
  • Because anyone can edit Wikipedia, the Web encyclopedia's reliability varies wildly.
  • Now a computer science professor hopes to give users a better baloney detector: software that flags questionable lines in Wikipedia entries.
  • he software will color text some gradation of orange if there is reason to doubt its content. The deeper the orange, the more likely it is malarkey.
  • by analyzing the reputations of the contributors responsible for each line.
  • In general, the less tinkering your work on Wikipedia engenders, the more trustworthy you are deemed to be.
  • For example, in an extensive entry on the old Commodore 64 computers - - the Santa Cruz software tags just three lines, each an unfootnoted statement of purported fact.

Monday, September 10, 2007

A Great Overview of RSS Newsfeeds

I recently wrote a paper in which I talked about the value of RSS newsfeeds. In my blog reading I ran across this video that is a very good (and easy to understand) overview of RSS.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Google Books Update

Your Own Google Books Library, and More Annotated

This update is provided by Philipp Lennsen who writes for one of my favorite blogs (Blogoscoped). I continue to be drawn to things that could change the classroom and I really think Google's initiative with Google Books has the potential to be an amazing teaching resource. A list of items that I highlighted from the article--see link at the top of this entry for the article in its entirety (including the full annotated version). your library is RSS-ified for others to subscribe to, and you can export it using another custom XML format listing title, author, ISBN and such. Importing books is possible as well by providing a list of ISBNs.
Google's embed dialog also allows you to directly blog something with Blogger, or add it to Google Notebook.
The Google Books project, formerly called Google Print (project name "Ocean"), continues to evolve aiming to become "the" book search center with an abundance of research options and data mining features, like maps integration, or the new popular passages.
Right now the biggest obstacle for users I see are the often confusing separations between public domain books, partner books and library books.
And why shouldn't I be allowed to clip fair use passages from copyrighted books, for instance?
In related news, the New York Times reports that both Amazon and Google will be entering the ebook market this year.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Fair Use--An Important Topic for Higher Education

This is a fascinating topic. Especially as the younger generation seems to thrive on taking bits and pieces of various media (i.e. parts of a song)and re-mixing it into something for public consumption. Dan Tapscot and Anthony D. Williams covered this topic in their book entitled Wikinomics ("Prosumer" chapter, if I remember correctly). It seems that times are changing--Philipp Lenssen from "Blogoscoped" notes that Microsoft, Google and Yahoo are backing a Defend Fair Use Initiative This is an amazing development! Microsoft thrives on a proprietary software, yet the latest version of the Office Suite (2007) is actually XML content and a zip file. In other words, the proprietary file format that was used in Office 2003 is now very "open" in Office 2007. What is this world coming to--the more I know the more confused I get.

CCIA - Defend Fair Use

Monday, August 20, 2007

American Marketing Association Paper--To Be Presented at the Higher Ed Symposium

I authored the following paper that was accepted by the American Marketing Association to be presented at the upcoming Higher Education Symposium in San Diego, November 11-14, 2007.



Today’s student prospects have a myriad of communication options available to them. Where the telephone and mail strategies seemed to work in the past, that’s not always true anymore; the website seems to be the most effective place to get the message out to prospects. With that comes the need for our institutions to practice strong knowledge management as it relates to organizing content. Organizing the success stories of our respective learning communities is very important to a successful recruitment process. This paper seeks to provide overview information to its reader on Content Management Systems, Really Simple Syndication (RSS) news feeds, and Taxonomies.

Full paper available as a Google Doc

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Future Classroom

Wiki becomes textbook in Boston College classroom Annotated

Anyone in higher education should take note of the following article. It makes me think of two questions that need to be answered as the needs and services the future student will expect from our higher education institutions continues to change:
1. Will open source software, like the wiki and Google Docs, replace the proprietary software of companies like "Blackboard" and "Microsoft Office" respectively? 2. Will retention of the higher education student be negatively impacted by the lack of the interactive web based tools like those cited in this article? A list of items that I highlighted from the article--see link at the top of this entry for the article in its entirety. At many colleges and universities, wikis are used mostly as a supplement to primary teaching tools like textbooks and labs, while other Web 2.0 technologies -- such as social networking sites like Facebook -- have become a staple of student life.
In one Boston College professor's classroom, however, wikis have become a primary learning tool, replacing textbooks and allowing improved collaboration among students.
Gerald Kane, assistant professor of information systems at the Chestnut Hill, Mass., school, has been using a wiki from SocialText Inc. as the primary teaching tool in his classroom since October, relying on the technology to integrate content from other Web 2.0 technologies like social book-making tools, RSS systems, and Google for his "Computers in Management" courses.
Some recent research surveys have found that some companies are investing in wikis, but the technology is used less heavily than other Web 2.0 tools like RSS feeds and social networks.
The survey concluded that companies are investing more heavily in Web services, RSS, podcasts, social networking and peer-to-peer networking

Saturday, August 18, 2007

A Search Engine for Video (AOL)

AOL's Truveo Introduces New Video Search Site And Consumer Destination Annotated

Last night, Truveo relaunched as a consumer video search destination. Emphasizing branded content (including branded channels), it may be the most comprehensive video search site on the Internet.
Arguably Truveo overwhelms users with too much content and too many choices, but there will be refinements over time as users interact with it.
The single biggest drawback to the site (esp. vs. YouTube) is the fact that many (though not all) of Truveo's content partners contractually require that videos be served on their sites rather than on Truveo

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Peer to Peer Filesharing (P2P)

Education 2.0: The College Student's Guide to File Sharing Annotated

A list of items that I highlighted from the article--see link above for the article in its entirety.

Heard of Napster or BitTorrent? Both are peer-to-peer networks through which your computer, equipped with the proper software, can find files to download.

The actual file transfers happen between your computer and other computers using protocols that distribute the file-sharing load among all the computers, or "peers," on the network. As a true P2P network without a central server to be sued, raided by police or otherwise confiscated, there's little chance of BitTorrent ever being shut down. The protocol's great popularity means there's no shortage of juicy intellectual property to fill every last perpendicularly stored bit your hard drive has to offer. Many colleges block BitTorrent traffic Direct Connect is somewhat risky business for college students who seek large quantities of internet content. Every new public hub you visit is one more that might reveal your queries and the files you're sharing When privacy is at a premium and download speed doesn't matter, it's hard to beat one-click hosting services like Megaupload, RapidShare and Sendspace While one-click hosting is fairly private at the moment and darknets keep content away from prying eyes, it's all for naught if your university actively monitors traffic and is determined to shut down peer-to-peer activity. We recommend you check your college's "acceptable use policy" and similar documents to determine their position on file sharing before engaging in potentially illegal activity, or at least make sure you save three grand, the going rate, in case you get caught. For the legal perspective, go right to the source: the United States Copyright Office FAQ

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Dog Days of Summer

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Friday, July 20, 2007

Hmmm--why didn't I think of this?

A very interesting article authored by Paul Sloan, an editor-at-large at Business 2.0 (Money Magazine).

Kevin Ham, the $300 million master of Web domains - June 1, 2007 Annotated

A list of items that I highlighted from the article--see link above for the article in its entirety.

He likes wedding names, so his guy lifts the white paddle and snags for $10,000. is not nearly as good as the plural, but Ham grabs it anyway, for $350,000. Ham is a devout Christian, and he spends $31,000 to add to his collection, which already includes and He was one of the first to take advantage of a loophole that allows people to register a name and return it without cost after a free trial, on occasion grabbing hundreds of thousands of names in one swoop profiting from traffic generated by the millions of people who mistakenly type ".cm" instead of ".com" at the end of a domain name. Ham landed connections to the Cameroon government and flew in his people to reroute the traffic. And if he gets his way, Colombia (.co), Oman (.om), Niger (.ne), and Ethiopia (.et) will be his as well When asked about the .cm play, John Berryhill, a top domain attorney who doesn't work for Ham, practically screams into the phone, "You know who did that? Do you have any idea how many people want to know who's behind that?" Kevin Ham is a boyish-looking 37-year-old, trim from a passion for judo and a commitment to clean living Ham frequently steers conversations about business back to the Bible. It's a practice known as "direct navigation," or type-in traffic, and millions do it. Need wedding shoes? Type in "" -- a site that Ham happens to own -- and you'll land on what looks like a shoe-shopping portal, filled with links from dozens of retailers. Click on any one of those links, and the advertiser that placed it pays Yahoo, which in turn pays a cut to Ham. That single site, Ham says, brings in $9,100 a year By 2004, Ham had amassed such a deep portfolio that he pulled his names from third-party registrars, launched his own registrar, and then created another company, appropriately named Hitfarm, that could do a better job than Yahoo of matching ads with domain names -- for himself and 100 or so other domainers. The legal risks should diminish, however, if you don't own the domain names at all -- and that's the secret behind the Cameroon play. Ham's people installed a line of software, called a "wildcard," that reroutes traffic addressed to any .cm domain name that isn't registered. In the case of Cameroon, a country of 18 million with just 167,000 computers connected to the Internet, that means hundreds of millions of names. Type in "" and servers owned by Camtel, the state-owned company that runs Cameroon's domain registry, redirect the query to Ham's servers in Vancouver.

It all happens in a flash, and since Ham doesn't own or register the names, he's not technically typo-squatting, according to several lawyers who handle Internet issues. Ham argues that his system is legally in the clear because it treats typo equally and doesn't filter out trademarked names. Ham still buys 30 to 100 names a day, but he's no longer getting them on the cheap. In fact, he and Schilling, who today maintains a $20 million-a-year portfolio from his home in the Cayman Islands, are often accused of driving up prices. Internet Explorer catches unregistered domains and redirects visitors to a Microsoft page -- in effect controlling traffic the same way that Ham is doing with .cm. "The heat is rising," Ham says Much of that effort is going into developing search tools based more on meaning and less on keywords. "Google is only so useful," Ham says. would then become an anchor to which scores of other sites would be tied.

Some Bad Dudes at Disney

In an effort to be frugal with our family vacation this year, I attempted to sell the unused days on our Disney park hopper passes. The first guy I met really had no interest--too busy. Now the second character let me know that my price was too high, but that he knew a friend that might "bite" on the deal. It seemed to be going well. And, ultimately, he did "bite".

Posted by Picasa

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Book Scanner--I think I need one of these!

I wonder if Google is using one these book scanners (see post just prior to this one) from Kirtas Technologies.

Digitizing the World--or at least books

I have been following Google's quest to digitize books, with great interest. I'm not ready to give up the printed page, but I have benefitted from the reading that I can do on both my tablet PC (HP TC4200) and my Sony ebook reader. In addition, "knowledge management" and what it takes to create a true "learning organization" are interest areas for me.

I have served in the college/university enrollment area for almost 2 decades. It used to be that we talked about how many volumes were available in our library--and what wasn't in our library could be sought through inter-library loan services. But, inter-library loan takes time and the "just out of high school" student that we serve doesn't strike me as having inordinate amounts of patience. This initiative by Google will likely have important ramifications for students everywhere.

Inside Google Book Search: A consortium joins the Library Project

Friday, June 22, 2007

New HP Tablet PC—2710P

Diigo (social bookmarking with annotation capabilities), Mindjet Mindmanager (idea mapping software), and Biblegateway (with Diigo) all make more sense when you are a tablet PC user. I have had my HP branded TC4200 for almost three years now and I still give it high marks for durability and usability. But, here's the interesting news—HP Compaq is going to ship their newest version of the tablet PC in Q3 2007. The following video does a great job of showing some of the features in the HP 2710P.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A Chief Enrollment Officer that Sleeps at Night—A Website the Works (Abstract)

Almost 20 years ago the recruitment process had some key differences from today's environment.

  • It used to be that the admissions counselor was the expert-- the "go to" person for a prospective student and their parents to get the answers on anything related to enrollment and available programs.
  • It used to be that a prospect had one telephone number and people still answered their landline phone.
  • It used to be that a business letter in a #10 envelope was somewhat effective at sending a message to prospects.
  • It used to be that you could "pull" students to your institution without a strategic and aggressive marketing effort.
  • It used to be that an admissions counselor could accomplish most administrative tasks with the use of a relational database and some available pre-written reports.

The student prospect has so many communication channels available to them. And, because of that, one would expect that it is easier to contact them--but, in fact, that doesn't seem to be the case.

It seems that the only medium that provides a common platform for communicating with prospects and their parents is the "web". There is plenty to keep an enrollment person "awake at night", but some of them might be "how many prospects come to our website but leave without finding the information they needed?"; What if we (the higher education institution) indeed had what they needed, but they just didn't find it?; What if they were unhappy with the way things were organized, left unhappy, but never told you?

So how does an enrollment manager overcome these challenges? How do you "push" the message to your constituents and measure the effectiveness of that message? How do you make sure that pertinent information is getting to the people who need it? How do you connect these interested parties with the appropriate admissions counselor for efficient follow-up?

So the market has changed and Higher Ed. Institutions can't really sit around and wait for students to come through the door. Judson doesn't have all the answers, and in fact we're very open about the fact that we're still learning and plan to keep learning. The following is a list of features we've added to our website in order to meet the changing needs of our various constituents:

  • "Content Management System"--As the name connotes, this type of database is charged with the task of managing "content" or "blocks of content". This content can be re-used in several areas of the website without creating multiple copies of the same information.
  • Really Simple Syndication (RSS) news feeds, which will allow Judson to "push" the appropriate content to the right audiences. Constituents can choose to "subscribe" to certain channels of information.
  • A "taxonomy", which is a structured hierarchy for storing all of the types of content that are necessary for a higher education institution. This is similar to a "folksonomy" but rather than the users deciding what descriptive tags are added to the content, it is already pre-determined.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Taxonomy Project--Key Questions to be Answered

Developing and Creatively Leveraging Hierarchical Metadata and Taxonomy - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design Annotated

Okay--I've already blogged about mind-mapping and its relationship to the "concept mapping" note taking scheme that I was introduced to in my college Biology class. But, I was reminded by the article above that it was Biologists who started this whole taxonomy mess--see quote below:

Historically used by biologists to classify plants or animals according to a set of natural relationships, in content management and information architecture, we tend to leverage taxonomies as a tool for organizing content.

One of my quests during sabbatical is to define a taxonomy that lets Judson University manage content better. My initial motives were driven by the need to push content to our website in a way that makes sense to our various constituents--students, prospects, alumni etc., but the truth is that this taxonomy or "information architecture plan" or "controlled vocabulary" has broader uses than just the website.

My key questions are as follows:

Can the everyday work accomplished by University employees be leveraged to create the content for the website? In other words, can the work they're already doing (no retraining necessary) be used to create "up to date" and accurate content for our various audiences?

Can a system be created for content creation that allows the "experts" be in charge of particular areas of content? For example, can the business office function of the university be in charge of the content for all tuition cost questions with all of the departments in the University linking to that content for the accurate, concise and unified answer?

Can a system of organization (taxonomy) be designed in such a way that it actually fosters relationships with our key constituents? For instance, can alumni testimonials harvested through the alumni community portion of the website be re-purposed to the departments they graduated from to potentially sell current prospects on the reason they should consider attending Judson?

Monday, May 14, 2007

Concept Mapping to Mind Mapping

I had an excellent Biology Professor at Huntington University ( that taught me about "concept mapping". As much as I enjoyed the class for its subject matter, I really appreciated his "concept mapping" style notes, that he used during the lecture. On a casual glance it might look pretty intimidating, hard to read (looked like chicken scratches--especially from the back of the classroom), but oddly enough, it made sense to me.

It looked a bit like the following:

In addition to defining many different words that pertain to the world of biology, I found it very helpful to understand the relationships between these defined words. Maybe you could talk about this as the "ontology" of these words. If you define "ontology" as the interaction between entities within a specific domain (in this case biology), I think it works.

While this was helpful to me, it had its limitations. This wasn't your classic outline that moved from right to left and down the page. This "map" from a theoretical standpoint had "flexibility" built-in, but in the real world this free flowing idea map became a problem when you hit the edge of the paper (or the chalkboard, as was sometimes the case).

Another shortcoming, when you looked at the "map" for a while you would begin to understand new connections, but making edits could be a challenge. Your best option was to draw a connecting line between the entities that where you had discovered another relationship.

The good news is--some things have changed in the last 15 years. It turns out that the world is a bit more digital now than it was before. Paper and chalkboards/whiteboards are still important, but the digital world brings with it some new options.

What used to be called "Concept Mapping" is more well known today as "Mind Mapping". And there a plethora of mind mapping software based tools available. You can find a comprehensive list of these at: I really can't speak to these other tools, but I can tell you that I appreciate the features I have found in a mind mapping tool called "Mind Manager" (

One big problem solved! My virtual paper has no edges and ideas can be moved around easily.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Working the Web Article from "University Business" April 2007 (author: Chelan David)

Working The Web Annotated

I enjoyed this article that was recently posted on the "University Business" Magazine website, authored by Chelan David. You may click the link above to see the entire article, or visit the "annotated" link above that I annotated through Diigo ( The highlighted quotes, that you could see by visiting the "annotated" link above are extracted for you below:

  • The shift toward user-generated content is having a major impact on education
  • Educators are taking advantage of photo and video sharing services, podcasting, wikis, blogs, and other social software to instruct learners through the latest in internet technologies
  • Key aspects of the movement include web architecture that encourages user contributions, the continuous updates of software and data, and the freedom to share and edit content
  • Think of social bookmarking as version 2.0 of the personal bookmarks on your browser
  • In contrast to the bookmarks on your computer, social bookmarking sites are available to you from any computer. Also, you can: add tags (free-text keywords) to your posts; see what others are posting and what tags they're using; and sort items of interest by tag, project, or user

Web 2.0 in the Classroom

I just finished teaching a computer ethics course at Judson University--okay, it's still Judson College now, but they will be changing to University this Fall ( I used a web 2.0 tool called diigo ( Diigo is an acronym for "Digest of Internet Information, Groups and Other stuff".

It may be that you've heard of which is a very popular social bookmarking tool. Diigo is a social bookmarking tool plus annotation tool. It allows you to read an article, bookmark it, and within the article, make annotations like "highlighting" and "sticky note comments". This makes it an awesome research tool.

In the past I have had students bring articles to class that pertain to the assigned chapters, but this time I made this an entirely digital activity. The students were to find online articles, book mark, annotate, and share them with the group forum that I set up for them. We then, with the group forum on the projector screen, would have each student talk us through their article.

While this tool is still in "beta" the student assessment survey that was taken at the end of the last class seemed to indicate that this activity was well received.