Saturday, June 23, 2007

Digitizing the World--or at least books

I have been following Google's quest to digitize books, with great interest. I'm not ready to give up the printed page, but I have benefitted from the reading that I can do on both my tablet PC (HP TC4200) and my Sony ebook reader. In addition, "knowledge management" and what it takes to create a true "learning organization" are interest areas for me.

I have served in the college/university enrollment area for almost 2 decades. It used to be that we talked about how many volumes were available in our library--and what wasn't in our library could be sought through inter-library loan services. But, inter-library loan takes time and the "just out of high school" student that we serve doesn't strike me as having inordinate amounts of patience. This initiative by Google will likely have important ramifications for students everywhere.

Inside Google Book Search: A consortium joins the Library Project